Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last Updated on 23-July-2020

At Aicrow the data we collect are voluntary and most of it are from and open to public. We encourage you to share only the information that you are willing to share with others. Subscribers Email ID’s is always be protected and will not be shared unless on legal request.

We use the data collected to provide you the services we offer. Which includes using data to improve and personalize your experiences. We also may use the data for security updates and product improvement. And we use data to help make the ads we show you more relevant to you.

User Tracking

Aicrow does not track you with cookies. We respect your privacy. The data collected are IP address in some cases and what you provide only for internal use to develop better services. The information collected is always protected and will not be sold to any company or person.

We only share your personal data with your consent to provide any service you have requested or authorized. The data is only used to show some of your profile information for others to identify. On request any infringement material will be taken down immediately.

Also note that third parties may be placing and reading cookies on your browsers, or using web beacons to collect information as a result of ad serving on the site. Any data collection, sharing and usage that takes place on the site, app or other property as a consequence of serving ads is considered as with your consent in using them with this disclosure.

Complaint Addressal

Any complaints, abuse or concerns with regards to the processing of information provided by you or breach of the terms or violations shall be immediately informed through email to

In Legal Terms

This privacy policy explains our policy regarding the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of your information by Aicrow and/or its subsidiary(ies) and/or affiliate(s) (collectively referred to as the “Company”), which operates various websites and other services including but not limited to delivery of information and content via any mobile or internet connected device or otherwise (collectively the “Services”). This privacy policy forms part and parcel of the Terms of Use for the Services.

As we update, improve and expand the Services, this policy may change, so please refer back to it periodically. By accessing the Company website or this Application or otherwise using the Services, you consent to collection, storage, and use of the personal information you provide (including any changes thereto as provided by you) for any of the services that we offer.

The Company respects the privacy of the users of the Services and is committed to reasonably protect it in all respects. The information about the user as collected by the Company is: (a) information supplied by users and (b) information automatically tracked while navigation (c) information collected from any other source (collectively referred to as Information).